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Trauma Resources
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The Administration for Children and Families, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations, the Administration for Community Living, the Offices of the Assistant Secretary for Health, and the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation have worked together to develop the “Guide to Trauma-Informed Human Services.” The guide is intended to provide an introduction to the topic of trauma, a discussion of why understanding and addressing trauma is important for human services programs, and a “road map” to find relevant resources.
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Established by Congress in 2000 to raise public awareness about child trauma, advance effective trauma-based interventions for affected children and families, and educate the wider community. Numerous handouts on understanding and treating various types of childhood trauma are available on the site.
- The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
ISSTD is an international, non-profit, professional association organized to develop and promote comprehensive and empirically based resources and responses to trauma and dissociation, welcoming both professional and lay members. ISSTD seeks to advance clinical, scientific, and societal understanding about the prevalence and consequences of chronic trauma and dissociation.
- The Trauma Center / Justice Resource Institute
The Trauma Center, led by Joseph Spinazzola, PhD and Bessel van der Kolk, MD, offers therapeutic services to traumatized children and adults, training, education and consultation to professionals, and conducts research in the field of complex trauma and traumatic stress. Numerous research articles are available, including a proposal to include a developmental trauma disorder diagnosis for children.
- The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children
TLC was founded to address treat childhood trauma. Programs are supported by evidence-based research, and have been used following many natural and man-made disasters, including the Oklahoma bombing, hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. TLC provides training to caregivers and professionals in the United States and around the world.
- Child Trauma Academy
CTA is the website of Bruce Perry, MD, PhD whose research focuses on trauma and brain development in children. Information about Perry’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics intervention methods is available, along with training videos and articles about maltreatment and the impact of trauma on brain development in children.
- Mindsight Institute
Mindsight Institute is the website of psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Siegel www.drdansiegel.com who has published extensively in the area of interpersonal neurobiology. The center promotes the importance of “mindsight,” the capacity within interpersonal relationships for individuals to posses insight, reflection, and empathy. His work is especially relevant for understanding the impact of interpersonal trauma and attachment loss in children.
- The Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence
SAIV offers a global platform for collaboration to end a major global problem–intimate violence. During a trauma, victims from rural, immigrant, and communities of color are five times more likely to seek aid from their clergy than any other professional. SAIV connects faith leaders with proven tools for effective prevention and response to intimate violence within their communities.