Adoption Resources

State & Triangle Area Adoption Education & Support 

  • Center for Child and Family Health – Post Adoption Support Services
    Post Adoption Support Services at CCFH provides clinical assessment, treatment, education, and support on adoption related issues for adopted children and families. The agency is located in Durham but provides services to adoptive families in 20 counties in the state of North Carolina. Check the site regularly for upcoming support groups and workshops for parents, children, and families.
  • Children’s Home Society of NorthCarolina – Lifelong Post Adoption Support
    CHS provides a wealth of support services to adoptees, adoptive families, and birth parents including support groups, adoption counseling, and community resources throughout North Carolina. Check the site regularly for upcoming events, support groups, and workshops for parents, children, and families.
  • North Carolina Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
    NCFASD is a nonprofit organization based in Chapel Hill with a mission to create FASD informed communities of parents, teachers, and health care professionals in North Carolina by increasing awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). A 2018 study found FASD diagnoses among first-graders in four US communities to be up to one in 20. Those affected by alcohol in utero are often diagnosed with a variety of mental health diagnoses.

National Adoption Associations & Organizations

  • National Training and Development Curriculum for Foster and Adoptive Parents
    NTDC is a 5-year cooperative agreement created to develop and then evaluate a state-of-the-art training program to prepare foster and adoptive parents to effectively parent children who have been exposed to trauma. The program will be designed for families who are fostering and/or adopting children through the public child welfare system as well as those adopting through an intercountry or private domestic process.
  • National Council For Adoption
    Passionately committed to the belief that every child deserves to thrive in a nurturing, permanent family, National Council For Adoption’s mission is to meet the diverse needs of children, birth parents, adopted individuals, adoptive families, and all those touched by adoption through global advocacy, education, research, legislative action, and collaboration.
  • The Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.)
    Offers adoptive parent training, adoption training for mental health professionals, books/resources, and provides on-site services in the Washington D.C. area.
  • The National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation
    The QIC-AG is  is a five-year project working with eight sites that will implement evidence-based interventions or develop and test promising practices which, if proven effective, can be replicated or adapted in other child welfare jurisdictions.
  • The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute
    The Evan B. Donaldson’s mission is to improve adoption practices through research and advocacy. An exhaustive body of research can be found on many topics related to adoption at this very useful site.
  • Child Welfare Information Gateway
    Hundreds of articles and resources on all aspects of adoptions (private, foster care, international) can be found at this site, as well as statistics on various types of adoptions, trends, and research findings.
  • The Adoption Medicine Program and Clinic at the University of Minnesota
    The U of MN Adoption Medicine Program is a unique facility which offers pre and post international adoption services for families. Numerous articles and research publications are available on the site. The site is useful for those considering international adoption and those who have recently adopted.
  • SPOON Foundation Adoption Nutrition
    SPOON’s mission is to transform nutrition and feeding for children living in orphanages, foster care, and those with disabilities by influencing nutrition policies and procedures for orphans around the world and ensuring that adopted children get the nutrition they need once they come home.
  • The Center for Adoption Policy
    The Center for Adoption Policy’s mission is to provide research, analysis, advice and education to practitioners and the public about current legislation and practices governing ethical domestic and intercountry adoption in the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa.
  • The Center for Adoption Support and Education
    C.A.S.E is an organization serving foster care and adoption communities. Publications, webinars, trainings, and resources are available for all parties impacted by adoption. C.A.S.E. also offers specialized training for professionals who service adoptive families through specific skills required for adoption competence.
  • American Adoption Congress
    Promotes adoption education and advocates for legislation and public policies which grant adoptees access to information about their histories and birth families. Useful links are available supporting various facets of all types of adoption. Operating on a state level is the North Carolina Coalition for Adoption Reform.
  • Tapestry Books
    Tapestry Books specializes in adoption related books and resources for adoptive families, birth families, adoptees and adoption professionals with the largest and most comprehensive selection.
  • Adoptive Families
    Comprehensive online adoption magazine with dozens of articles about domestic and international adoption. $45 per year. Newsletter emailed weekly if you so choose.